4 Speed XT Herbicide 2.5 Gal

4 Speed XT Herbicide 2.5 Gal
4 Speed XT Herbicide 2.5 Gal

4 Speed XT Herbicide 2.5 Gal

The Nufarm 4 Speed XT Herbicide quart is a powerful weed control solution containing active ingredients such as 2,4-D, Dicamba, and Pyraflufen-ethyl. With a concentration of 41.92% 2,4-D, this herbicide effectively targets a wide range of pesky weeds like beggarweed, chickweed, dandelion, and black medic.

It is suitable for use in various outdoor areas such as sod farms, cemeteries, lawns, athletic fields, parks, and golf courses. This 32 oz herbicide from Nufarm is designed for optimal weed control in cool and warm-season turf, making it a reliable choice for maintaining healthy and weed-free outdoor spaces.

4 Speed XT Herbicide 2.5 Gal

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