Herbicides & Fungicides

ALLIGARE Fluridone Aquatic Pond Herbicide 1 Gal. Replaces Sonar AS Tribune Herbicide jug (2.5 gal) Syngnta Ampect Xtra Fungicide Gehu Ke Liye Damdaar Fungicide Flag Leaf Affirm WDG Fungicide 2.4 Lbs Milestone Herbicide 1 Quart Pasture weed killer (kills HARD to control weeds) Gallery 75 DF Specialty Herbicide bottle (1 lb) Formula 40 Herbicide 2.5 Gallons RM43 Total Veg Control Glyph Imazapyr Root Weed Preventer & Grass Killer 2.5 GAL Chateau EZ Herbicide 1 Gallon (Flumioxazin) Tribune Herbicide gallon (128 oz) Myclotect Fungicide 1 Gallon Priaxor Xemium Fungicide 2.5 Gallon Jug BEST PRICE (1 Quart) Presidio Fungicide (Fluopicolide 39.5%) Valent Vegetables Citrus How We Clean Pineapple It S Difficult But We Have To Do Tessie Buyuccan Barricade 4FL Herbicide gallon (128 oz) Ranger Pro Glyphosate Herbicide 5 Gallons 5 Gallon Case Bora-Care with Mold Care 128oz- Mold Termite Treatment Cool Power Herbicide 2.5 Gallon 2.5 Gallon Altacor EVO Insecticide, 45oz (New High Load Low Use Rate Formulation) Bayer Specticle FLO Herbicide 1 Gallon (NEW) Pre-Emergent SFM Extra Herbicide 4#- Compare to Oust Herbicide Best Fungicide For Roses Make Your Roses Look Vibrant And Healthy Cleary Chemical DG Lite Turf and Ornamental Systemic Fungicide, 30 Pounds 30 Roundup Custom 2.5 Gallons (53.8% Aquatic Glyphosate, compare to Rodeo) Quali-Pro Myclobutanil 20 EW Fungicide with Equivalent to Eagle Gallon Marengo Herbicide bottle (18 oz) The Agronomists Ep 183 Profit In The Spray Pass With Mike Cowbrough And Tom Wolf Ranger Pro Glyphosate Herbicide 10 Gallon 2x5 GALLON CASES (10 GALLONS) Weedar 64 Herbicide-2 x 2.5 gal Explorer Herbicide 1 Gallon Mesotrione Herbicide Pageant Intrinsic Brand Fungicide bottle (1 lb) Escalade 2 Herbicide jug (2.5 gal) Reason 500 SC Fungicide 1 Gallon Six 32oz Bottles of RM43 Total Vegetation Control. A total of 1.5 Gallons Orondis Ultra Fungicide 1 Gallon Prodiamine 4L Herbicide 2.5 Gallon 2.5 Gallon Whetstone Herbicide 2.5 Gallons Pasture weed killer (Compare to Milestone) Snapshot 2.5 TG Herbicide 50 Pound 50 LB Insecticides Herbicides Fungicides Pgrs Bio Stimulants Organic Fertilizers And Adjuvants Bayer Prograss Herbicide 2.5 Gallons Specticle G Herbicide 50lb- Pre-emergent T-Zone SE Broadleaf Herbicide Gallon 1 Gallon Blindside WDG Post Emergence 0.5 Lb Katana Turf Herbicide, 5 Oz, PBI Gordon Select Source Triad Select 3-Way Broadleaf Herbicide (2.5 Gallons) Brahma 44 Herbicide bag (6 lbs) Syngenta Ampect Xtra Azoxystrobin 18 2 Cperconazole 7 3 S C Field Advisor Forum Research Breakout Sessions Pennant Magnum Herbicide gallon (128 oz)

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