8 oz Fluridone Concentrated Aquatic Pond Herbicide Weed Control same Sonar AS

8 oz Fluridone Concentrated Aquatic Pond Herbicide Weed Control same Sonar AS

8 oz Fluridone Concentrated Aquatic Pond Herbicide Weed Control same Sonar AS

8oz Fluridone 41.7% Aquatic Herbicide is the ideal herbicide for long-term management of aquatic vegetation. Can be applied early spring in fresh water ponds, lakes, reservoirs, potable water sources, drainage canals, and irrigation canals. Contains fluridone, the same active ingredient found in Sonar A. Has no temperature, swimming, boating or livestock restrictions and can be applied early in the season at the first sign of weed growth.

A single application treats the entire body of water to control even the most persistent pond weeds including American pondweed, bladderwort, clasping leaf pondweed, coontail, curly leaf pondweed, duckweed, watermilfoil, hydrilla, lily pads, sago pondweed, spatterdock and naia. This Concentrated Pond weed treatment can control growth for a year or longer after one application. Active Ingredient: 41.7% Fluridone. Also controls many other aquatic weeds, such as American Pondweed, Bladderwort, Coontail, Curly Leaf Pondweed, Eurasian Watermilfoil, Hydrilla, Elodea, Sago Pondweed, Southern Naiad and many more! Has no temperature restriction, but is best applied in spring at first sign of weed growth. Check your County and State Laws before applying any herbicides to any water supply!
8 oz Fluridone Concentrated Aquatic Pond Herbicide Weed Control same Sonar AS

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