Acclaim Extra Herbicide 16oz- Fenoxaprop

Acclaim Extra Herbicide 16oz- Fenoxaprop

Acclaim Extra Herbicide 16oz- Fenoxaprop

Acclaim Extra Selective Herbicide is a post-emergent solution designed to target and control certain types of grassy weeds without harming desirable turfgrass. It is particularly effective against Japanese Stiltgrass, a common invasive species that can be difficult to manage with other herbicides. Here's a detailed guide on Acclaim Extra, including its usage, application, targeted weeds, application rates, and safety measures. Acclaim Extra is a selective herbicide known for its effectiveness in controlling Japanese Stiltgrass and other problematic weeds. It works by inhibiting the growth of targeted weed species, which eventually leads to their death, while leaving the surrounding grass unharmed.

To use Acclaim Extra effectively, follow these steps. Read the product label carefully for specific mixing instructions.

Use a backpack sprayer or similar equipment for application. Add a non-ionic surfactant to the mixture to enhance the adherence of the solution to the weed leaves. Apply the herbicide when the weeds are actively growing for the best results. Acclaim Extra can be applied in various settings where Japanese Stiltgrass and other weeds are present, including. It is crucial to avoid application near water bodies and to respect buffer zones to protect the environment. Which Weeds It Is Labeled For. Acclaim Extra is specifically labeled for the control of. Other grassy weeds (refer to the product label for a comprehensive list). The application rate for Acclaim Extra is critical for its effectiveness.

The general recommendation is to apply 2 gallons of spray solution per 1,000 square feet. Ensure that the product is applied at labeled rates for optimal performance. The exact amount may vary depending on the weed species and the level of infestation, so always refer to the label for precise mixing and application rates.

Wear protective clothing, including gloves, long sleeves, and eye protection. Keep the product away from children and pets. Do not apply on windy days to prevent drift to non-target areas.

Store the herbicide in a secure location, away from food and feed. By adhering to these guidelines, you can safely and effectively use Acclaim Extra Selective Herbicide to manage Japanese Stiltgrass and other grassy weeds, ensuring a healthy and attractive turf.

Regular monitoring and follow-up applications may be necessary to maintain control over the weed population. Always prioritize environmental safety and follow local regulations regarding herbicide use.
Acclaim Extra Herbicide 16oz- Fenoxaprop

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