Aliette WDG Fungicide 5 Pounds, Aluminum tris 80% by Bayer. Free Shipping

Aliette WDG Fungicide 5 Pounds, Aluminum tris 80% by Bayer. Free Shipping
Aliette WDG Fungicide 5 Pounds, Aluminum tris 80% by Bayer. Free Shipping

Aliette WDG Fungicide 5 Pounds, Aluminum tris 80% by Bayer. Free Shipping
This fungicide is a powerful tool to combat fungal diseases in outdoor plants. With its active ingredient, aluminum tris 80%, it is a reliable choice for gardeners. The product does not require any special certification and is registered with the EPA under the number 264-516. It is designed for outdoor use only and can be used on a wide range of plants to control fungi. Please refer to the package instructions for proper application and dosage.
Aliette WDG Fungicide 5 Pounds, Aluminum tris 80% by Bayer. Free Shipping

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