Argos 2.5 Gallons (8% Copper equivalent) similar to Cutrine Plus

Argos 2.5 Gallons (8% Copper equivalent) similar to Cutrine Plus

Argos 2.5 Gallons (8% Copper equivalent) similar to Cutrine Plus
Argos Aquatic Algaecide - 2.5 Gallons. Argos successfully controls diverse algal types including branched, filamentous and planktonic species. This algaecide may be toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. The risk of fish toxicity generally decreases as the hardness of the water increases. Treatment of aquatic weeds and algae can result in oxygen loss from decomposition of dead algae and weeds.

This oxygen loss can cause fish and invertebrate suffocation. To minimize this hazard, do not treat more than 1/2 of the water body to avoid depletion of oxygen due to decaying vegetation.

Wait at least 14 days between treatments. Water treated with Argos can be used immediately for recreational activities, for drinking, for watering livestock, and for irrigation of crops, golf courses, ornamental plantings and turf areas. For applications in waters destined for use as drinking water, those waters must receive additional and separate potable water treatment. Do not apply more than 1.0 ppm as metallic copper in these waters. For burndown of weeds above water use: Glyphosate 5.4. We also have Blue Pond dye (Aqua Blue Select). Beautify your pond with a blue dye!

Read and follow all local, state and federal regulations pertaining to the use and application of this product before ordering. Approximate use rate for Average Depth of Water of Treatment Site. See label for Tank Mixing and specific use rates. Copper Triethanolamine Complex CAS No.

If your state is not listed, there are no restrictions in your state. Restricted - This State requires a license. Restricted - No sales to State.

Argos 2.5 Gallons (8% Copper equivalent) similar to Cutrine Plus

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