Bayer Broadform Fungicide- 12 Fl Oz Bottle

Bayer Broadform Fungicide- 12 Fl Oz Bottle
Bayer Broadform Fungicide- 12 Fl Oz Bottle

Bayer Broadform Fungicide- 12 Fl Oz Bottle

Broadform Fungicide is an all-purpose fungicide that can control and eradicate over 50 diseases, including leaf spots, botrytis, and other fungi that can hurt and destroy plants. This product also protects against the diseases tip blight and die back, which are widespread in conifers, particularly pine trees.

This fungicide acts in a systemic manner, penetrating the flower bud tissue. Broadform Fungicide can be used on ornamentals grown in nurseries and greenhouses such as crops, nuts, fruits, Christmas trees, and the like. It also works best when administered before any signs of plant damage appear.

Bayer Broadform Fungicide- 12 Fl Oz Bottle

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