Bayer Exteris Stressgard Fungicide 2.5 Gallons for Golf Course Sod Farm Turf

Bayer Exteris Stressgard Fungicide 2.5 Gallons for Golf Course Sod Farm Turf
Bayer Exteris Stressgard Fungicide 2.5 Gallons for Golf Course Sod Farm Turf
Bayer Exteris Stressgard Fungicide 2.5 Gallons for Golf Course Sod Farm Turf
Bayer Exteris Stressgard Fungicide 2.5 Gallons for Golf Course Sod Farm Turf

Bayer Exteris Stressgard Fungicide 2.5 Gallons for Golf Course Sod Farm Turf
Signature XTRA Stressgard is a true systemic fungicide that enhances plant health and turf quality, while minimizing stress from both abiotic and biotic sources. Signature XTRA Stressgard uses a new, improved formulation of fosetyl-Al.

The new formulation protects against summer decline and Pythium blight, plus adds stronger control of root-infecting Pythium species when watered in. It can be applied alone or in a tank-mix. Supports earlier spring green up, turf fill in, improved color and density. Protects the plant from the adverse effects of UV radiation. See label for complete list.

Do not graze animals on treated turf. See label for complete directions and application instructions.

Bayer Exteris Stressgard Fungicide 2.5 Gallons for Golf Course Sod Farm Turf

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