Bora-Care with Mold Care 128oz- Mold Termite Treatment
Boracare with Mold-Care (Insecticide, Fungicide & Termiticide). BoraCare with Mold-Care combines BoraCare with Mold Care. It protects the surface, killing all forms of fungi (including mold). As a borate-based wood preservative, Boracare renders treated wood impervious to termites and other wood destroying insects, as well as wood decay fungi. BoraCare with Mold-Care also disinfects and sanitizes the treated areas. When used together, BoraCare with Mold-Care creates a highly effective, residual solution to insects and mold. Boracare with Mold Care penetrates into the wood where it delivers residual protection for years. It is the only EPA-registered product that will not only kill mold and insects, but prevent mold from growing on wood surfaces. Inhibits Mold Growth & Stops Wood Destroying Insects-Inside Out Protection. Mold Care prevents the growth and establishment of mold, dry rot or wet rot. Mold Care was formulated to work with Bora-Care. Boracare will add protection from wood destroying insects such as Termites, Powderpost Beetles, Anobiid Beetles, Old House Borers and Decay Fungi for years. Application of Bora Care with Mold Care can be used on bare wood, drywall, particleboard or OSB. This product is designed to penetrate wood; it doesn't just remain on the surface. It will penetrate and absorb into the interior of the wood for inside out protection. Ways to use Boracare with Mold Care. When a home is being built, all wood is accessible. This is the perfect time to do a whole house Bora-Care with Mold-Care treatment. This whole house treatment protects all wood from mold, termites, carpenter ants and wood boring beetles, and even discourages general pests such as cockroaches. Bora-Care with Mold-Care diffuses into the wood and remains in the wood, delivering residual power for years of protection. If there has been damage from water such as rain, flood waters or leaking pipes, apply Boracare with Mold Care to the affected wood after the damaged wood has been cleaned and dried. After cleaning, wood decay or mold can begin to grow at once. If you apply Mold Care, you can stop the wood decay immediately as you kill the existing mold. In the advent of future flooding, you are protecting the wood, as well. Besides stopping the mold growth, Boracare with Mold Care sanitizes and disinfects damaged wood, creating a buffer zone. To prevent high risk areas such as crawl spaces, bathrooms and kitchens, use Boracare with Mold Care as a one time preventative application. It may be applied either in a new construction phase or post construction.