Caravan G Granular 30lb- Insecticide & Fungicide

Caravan G Granular 30lb- Insecticide & Fungicide

Caravan G Granular 30lb- Insecticide & Fungicide
Caravan G Insecticide Fungicide is a comprehensive lawn care solution designed to tackle both insect pests and fungal diseases in one application. This product is a systemic, broad-spectrum granule that provides season-long grub control and a month of preventative brown patch control when applied correctly. It is suitable for use on residential lawns, commercial properties, athletic fields, and golf courses. Caravan G is a time and cost-saving option for those seeking to maintain healthy, pest-free turf.

What It Is: Caravan G combines two active ingredients, Azoxystrobin and Thiamethoxam, to protect turfgrass from a variety of pests and diseases. Azoxystrobin is a fungicide that belongs to Group 11, providing control over several lawn fungi, while Thiamethoxam is a Group 4A insecticide effective against a range of turf-damaging insects. How to Use: To use Caravan G effectively, follow these steps.

Measure the area to determine the amount of product needed. Apply the granules with a spreader designed for granular applications. Water the lawn after application to activate the granules, which allows them to penetrate the soil and reach the root zone where pests and fungi reside. Follow the label instructions for the specific timing and rate of application to ensure optimal control. Where to Apply: Caravan G can be applied to various turf areas, including.

Golf courses (fairways, greens, and tees). Lawn Fungus It Is Labeled For: Caravan G is labeled to control several lawn fungi, including. How Much to Apply: The application rate for Caravan G will vary depending on the target pest and the severity of the infestation or disease.

Generally, one application made between May 5 and July 15 can provide grub control for the entire season and a month of preventative brown patch control. Always refer to the product label for specific rates and instructions.

Safety Precautions: When using Caravan G, take the following safety precautions. Wear protective clothing, such as gloves and long sleeves, during application. Keep people and pets off the treated area until the product has been watered in and the lawn is dry. Store the product in a cool, dry place, out of reach of children and pets. Do not apply near water bodies or in a manner that will contaminate water sources. Follow all label instructions to avoid harm to beneficial insects and the environment.

By adhering to these guidelines, Caravan G Insecticide Fungicide can be a safe and effective part of your lawn care regimen, providing dual-action control against the most common turf pests and diseases.

Caravan G Granular 30lb- Insecticide & Fungicide

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