Cool Power Herbicide 2.5 Gallon 2.5 Gallon

Cool Power Herbicide 2.5 Gallon 2.5 Gallon

Cool Power Herbicide 2.5 Gallon 2.5 Gallon
Cool Power Herbicide - 2.5 Gallon. Cool Power's premium ester formulation is ideal for winter weed control. MCPA, Tripclopyr and Dicamba formulation for use in cool weather applications Weeds controlled include: Beggarweed Black medic Burdock Carpetweed Chickweed Chicory Clover Cornflower Dandelion Dog fennel Goldenrod Ground ivy Hawkweed Henbit Knotweed Morningglory Plantain Poison ivy Poison oak Ragweed Red clover Red sorrel Spurge Spurweed Thistle Vetch Wild carrot Wild garlic Wild lettuce Wild onion Wild radish Wild violet.
Cool Power Herbicide 2.5 Gallon 2.5 Gallon

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