Crossbow Herbicide 2.5 Gallon for Broadleaf Weeds and Woody Plant Control

Crossbow Herbicide 2.5 Gallon for Broadleaf Weeds and Woody Plant Control
Crossbow Herbicide 2.5 Gallon for Broadleaf Weeds and Woody Plant Control
Crossbow Herbicide 2.5 Gallon for Broadleaf Weeds and Woody Plant Control

Crossbow Herbicide 2.5 Gallon for Broadleaf Weeds and Woody Plant Control

Crossbow Herbicide - 2.5 Gallon for Broadleaf Weeds and Woody Plant Control. Product Description: Crossbow Herbicide is a powerful solution for controlling a wide variety of woody plants, trees, and broadleaf weeds in non-crop areas. Ideal for fence rows, wooded edges, and other non-cropland environments, Crossbow effectively eliminates undesirable trees like Ash and Sumac, as well as tough plants like Briars, Poison Ivy, Thistles, and more.

It is especially known for its ability to control invasive species like Kudzu and Bamboo with repeat applications as necessary. With no adjuvants required, Crossbow Herbicide provides reliable and effective control for managing unwanted vegetation. Always refer to the product label for a full list of controlled weeds and specific application guidelines. Controls undesirable trees, woody plants, and broadleaf weeds. Ideal for non-crop areas such as fence rows and wooded edges. Effective against tough species like Kudzu, Bamboo, Poison Ivy, and Thistles. No adjuvants required for application. 2.5-gallon container for large-scale vegetation management.
Crossbow Herbicide 2.5 Gallon for Broadleaf Weeds and Woody Plant Control

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