Convenient, liquid formulation Prevents/treats dollar spot, anthracnose, summer patch, brown patch, powdery mildew, rust and scab Systemic protectant For use on golf course fairways, roughs, tees and greens, commercial and residential stone fruit trees, apple trees and grapes, and other landscape ornamentals For use on ornamentals such as chrysanthemums, daylilies, poinsettias and roses in nurseries, landscapes and greenhouses Best control of labeled diseases is achieved when Eagle 20EW is applied on a seven- to 10-day application schedule DISEASES CONTROLLED Eagle 20EW offers both protective and curative activity on more than 15 turf diseases, including: Brown patch Copperspot Dollar spot Necrotic ring spot Spring dead spot Summer patch Eagle 20EW also effectively prevents and cures damaging nursery and ornamental diseases, including: Black spot Leaf spots Powdery mildew Rusts Scab TURF RECOMMENDATIONS Low use rates and changes in the availability of fungicides labeled for use in lawn care applications combine to make Eagle 20EW a desirable alternative for a wide range of turf species in commercial, residential and golf course applications. These include bluegrass, ryegrass, Bermudagrass, zoysiagrass and bentgrass (fairways and greens).
LANDSCAPE RECOMMENDATIONS Eagle 20EW is labeled for use on more than 100 landscape ornamental and backyard fruit trees for the control of powdery mildew, rust, scab and various leaf spot diseases. Do not apply to fruit trees within 14 days of harvest.NURSERY RECOMMENDATIONS Eagle 20EW specialty fungicide is labeled for use on more than 100 ornamental plants in greenhouses or field-grown plantings for the control of powdery mildew, rust, scab and various leaf spot diseases. Consult the Eagle 20EW label if plant growth regulators will be used in treated areas. Consult the Eagle 20EW label if plant growth regulators will be uséd in treated areas.
Sorry, our items are NOT available for pick-up. No additional information at this time. TetraSan 5 WDG bag 8-2oz Packets Miticide / Ovicide Etoxazole 5%. Crossbow Herbicide quart (32 oz). Atrimmec growth regulator reduces plant growth stops olive fruit mess 1 Qt.