Endura Fungicide 6.5lb Jug

Endura Fungicide 6.5lb Jug

Endura Fungicide 6.5lb Jug
Endura Fungicide 6.51b Jug. Endura fungicide offers growers a unique mode of action with superior control of white mold and foliar diseases, including early blight and suppression of gray mold. It is a preventive fungicide that inhibits new growth of fungal cells while also blocking the energy production in existing cells. Endura fungicide is an effective and reliable product for the protection and control of a wide variety of diseases, because its site of action is different from strobulirins and most other fungicides. It also works extremely well in fungicide-resistance management rotations. Endura Fungicide is labeled for use on the following areas but always consult the label for specific information. Species controlled or suppressed by Endura Fungicide, see label for specific information.
Endura Fungicide 6.5lb Jug

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