Explorer has been designed to tackle the toughest broadleaf weeds in corn over a wide range of growth stages. Explorer has proven its value to growers year after year in many countries and has set a new standard in the industry. An innovation that has its roots in the research into naturally secreted compounds of the Callistemon plant, Explorer is now the leading herbicide corn growers choose for consistent performance, superior residual activity and ultimate flexibility. Explorer is a unique corn herbicide inspired by nature, which provides.
Unprecedented control of the toughest broadleaf weeds, ensuring the growth of the developing crop. Flexibility in application timing and mixing partners for the grower to tailor his weed control program better. Approximate use rate: 3-8 ounces per acre.
See label for specific use rates. If your state is not listed, there are no restrictions in your state. Restricted - No sales to State.