Flumigard SC Herbicide 1/2 Gallon (Flumioxazin)

Flumigard SC Herbicide 1/2 Gallon (Flumioxazin)
Flumigard SC Herbicide 1/2 Gallon (Flumioxazin)

Flumigard SC Herbicide 1/2 Gallon (Flumioxazin)

This is a Flumigard SC herbicide that comes in a 1/2 gallon liquid form. It is perfect for outdoor use. The control method of this herbicide is kill and it doesn't require certification.

The Flumigard SC herbicide is made in the United States and is EPA registered under the number 81927-78.

Flumigard SC Herbicide 1/2 Gallon (Flumioxazin)

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