Gunslinger AMP 2.5 Gallons

Gunslinger AMP 2.5 Gallons

Gunslinger AMP 2.5 Gallons
Gunslinger AMP 2.5 Gallons. Gunslinger AMP provides both post and pre-emergence weed control in areas of the broadleaf and invasive species including; clover, thistles, ragweed, chickweed, dandelion, goldenrod, henbit, honey locust, locus, kudzu, lespedeza, nightshade, plantains, multiflora rose, sumac, and much more. Active Ingredients : 2,4-D Amine 41.26% Aminopyralid 8.24%. Usage Rate Recommendations : 19 - 34 Fl.

For specific details on control of these target pest and use rates check the label. Acacia Actinomeris, wingstem Amaranth, spiny Bedstraw Bedstraw, smooth Beebalm, blackberry Blackberry Blackbrush Broomweed, annual Bullnettle, Texas Burdock, common Buttercup, hairy Buttercup, tall Camphorweed Carrot, wild Chickweed, common Chicory Cinquefoil, hoary Cinquefoil, sulfur Clover, sweet Clover, white Cocklebur Coneflower, upright prairie Croton, wooly Crownvetch Cudweed, purple Daisy, oxeye Dandelion, common Dock, broadleaf Dock, curly Dogfennel Evening primrose, cutleaf False dandelion, Carolina Falsedandelion, Carolina Fiddleneck, common Fireweed Fleabane, annual Fleabane, annual Goldenrod, Canada Goldenrod, Missouri Goldenrod, rigid Gumweed, curlycup Hawkweed, orange Hawkweed, yellow Henbit Honeylocust Horehound Horsenettle, Carolina Horseweed Huisache Indigo, blue Ironweed, tall Ironweed, western Knapweed Knapweed, Russian Knapweed, brown Knapweed, diffuse Knapweed, spotted Knapweed, squarrose Kudzu Lambsquarters, common Lespedeza, annual Lettuce, prickly Locust, black Marshelder, annual Mayweed, scentless Mayweed, stinking Medic, black Mesquite, honey Mexican-tea Mullein Nightshade, silverleaf Partridgepea Plantain, broadleaf Plantain, buckhorn Pokeweed, common Pricklyash, lime Ragweed, common Ragweed, false Ragweed, western Ragwort, tansy Rose, Macartney Rose, multiflora Sicklepod Sida, prickly Smartweed, Pennsylvania Sneezeweed, bitter Snow-on-the-mountain Soda apple, tropical Sowthistle, perennia Sowthistle, prickly Spanish needles Starthistle, yellow Starthistle, yellow Sumac, smooth Sunflower, common Tallow tree, Chinese Teasel Thistle, Canada Thistle, bull Thistle, musk Thistle, plumeless Thistle, scotch Vervain, blue Vervain, hoary Vetch, common Woodsorrel, yellow Wormwood, absinth Yarrow, common. For specific details on these areas of use and use rates check the label.

Campgrounds Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) acres Deltas Grazed areas around noncrop sites Marshes Natural areas Natural recreation areas Non-cropland areas Non-irrigation ditch banks Permanent grass pastures Prairie potholes Rangelands Rights-of-way Roadsides Seasonally dry flood plains Trailheads Trails Vernal pools Wildlife management. This product is not registered for use in the following states.

Gunslinger AMP 2.5 Gallons

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