Heritage G Fungicide 30 lb bag by Syngenta

Heritage G Fungicide 30 lb bag by Syngenta

Heritage G Fungicide 30 lb bag by Syngenta

Heritage G Fungicide 30 lb Bag by Syngenta. Heritage G Fungicide is a granular systemic fungicide specifically formulated to prevent and control more than 20 turfgrass diseases for up to 28-days.

Providing the effectivenes of a liquid in the convenience of a spreadable granular, Hertiage G systemic strobilurin fungicide controls turf diseases including brown patch, red thread, Pythium, Anthracnose, gray leaf spot, snow mold, take-all patch, leaf spot, summe r patch and necrotic ring spot. Broad-spectrum control of over 20 turfgrass diseases for up to 28 days. Systemic strobilurin fungicide that continues to rise to the top of the plant for long lasting control. Lighter-weight granules that spread over a wider area than traditional granules.

Highly water soluable DG-Lite carrier disperses with a heavy dew or light watering, minimizing wash-away. Granules engineered to minimize dust formation. Our staff has over 100 years of experience with pest control, lawn & garden, turf, and pet products. We realize the importance of customer relationships and strive for your 100% satisfaction through unmatched service and quality in our products. We work directly with our manufacturers to bring the lowest possible prices on the highest quality products in the industry. For every Country, State, County, Municipality, Province, etc.. It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser and the end user to provide a license, permit, registration etc. If requested by that purchasers local or state authorities. Please check and abide by all of the labels instructions when using the products.

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Heritage G Fungicide 30 lb bag by Syngenta

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