Ipro 2 Fungicide 2.5 gal. Iprodione Fungicide

Ipro 2 Fungicide 2.5 gal. Iprodione Fungicide

Ipro 2 Fungicide 2.5 gal. Iprodione Fungicide

Ipro 2 Fungicide is a professional-grade product designed to manage and control a wide range of fungal diseases in turfgrass and ornamental plants. It contains the active ingredient Iprodione at a concentration of 23.0%, which is effective against various fungal pathogens.

This fungicide is recommended for use throughout all seasons, providing both preventive and curative action against diseases. What is Ipro 2 Fungicide? Ipro 2 Fungicide is a systemic and contact fungicide that offers long-lasting disease control for turf and ornamentals. It is particularly effective in managing key diseases such as Fusarium blight, Brown patch, Dollar spot, Gray snow mold, Leaf spots, and Necrotic ring spot in turf.

For ornamentals, it controls diseases like Alternaria leaf blight, Botrytis blight, Fusarium leaf spot, and Rhizoctonia stem & root rot. How to Use Ipro 2 Fungicide.

Mixing Instructions: Ipro 2 is typically applied at a rate of 4 to 8 ounces per 1,000 square feet, mixed in 5-10 gallons of water. Ensure proper mixing to achieve a homogeneous solution.

Application Method: The fungicide can be applied using suitable spray equipment that provides adequate coverage. It can be used with any amount of water necessary for sufficient spray coverage, as long as the specified amount of Ipro 2SE is applied to the target area. Timing: Apply Ipro 2 when the disease first appears or when conditions are favorable for disease development.

For turf diseases, applications can range from 3 to 8 ounces per 1,000 sq. For ornamentals, refer to the product label for specific rates. Where to Apply Ipro 2 Fungicide. Turfgrass: It can be used on non-residential turf located on golf courses, sod farms, and institutional areas where fine turf is grown.

Ornamentals: Apply to nonresidential ornamental flowers and foliage plants grown in field and landscape nurseries or greenhouses, and in conifer nurseries. Irrigation Systems: Ipro 2 can be applied through irrigation systems, following the label instructions for chemigation. Lawn Fungus Labeled for Control: Ipro 2 Fungicide is labeled to control several lawn fungi, including. Turfgrass: Apply 3 to 8 ounces of Ipro 2 per 1,000 sq. The exact rate will depend on the disease being treated and the level of disease pressure. Ornamentals: Application rates for ornamentals vary; consult the product label for specific instructions based on the disease and plant type. Environmental Protection: Maintain a 25-foot vegetative buffer strip between the point of application and adjacent water bodies to protect aquatic environments. Restrictions: Do not apply to turf cut higher than 1 inch on golf holes where water bodies are present.

Do not mow or irrigate treated areas until the application is completely dry, typically 24 hours. Do not mix with sticker, extender, or wetting agents.

Do not apply more than 35 fl. Of the product per 1,000 sq. Per year and limit applications to no more than 6 per year. Do not allow animals to graze on treated turf, and do not feed clippings from treated turf to livestock or poultry. Compatibility: Ipro 2 is compatible with most commonly used registered fungicides containing flutolanil, azoxystrobin, and trifloxystrobin, which can be useful for controlling additional diseases in turf.

Coverage: Each 2.5-gallon jug of Ipro 2 can treat between 2 and 4 acres of turfgrass, depending on the mix rate. Retreatment: Retreatment may be necessary every 14 to 21 days as needed, based on disease pressure and environmental conditions. When using Ipro 2 Fungicide, always read and follow the label instructions carefully to ensure effective and safe application. The label contains vital information on the correct usage rates, application methods, and safety measures that must be adhered to. Proper use of Ipro 2 Fungicide will help maintain healthy, disease-free turf and ornamentals throughout the year.

Ipro 2 Fungicide 2.5 gal. Iprodione Fungicide

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