Miravis Prime Fungicide (1 Gallon and 6 oz) 134oz

Miravis Prime Fungicide (1 Gallon and 6 oz) 134oz

Miravis Prime Fungicide (1 Gallon and 6 oz) 134oz

This fungicide from Syngenta is the perfect solution for protecting your farmland from fungi and botrytis. With a preventive control method, this concentrated liquid can keep your crops safe for up to 3 months. The item weighs 134 oz and comes in a unit quantity of 134 oz. The Miravis Prime Fungicide is designed to be easy to apply and comes with a certification requirement of no certification. It is manufactured in the United States and does not contain any harmful ingredients.

This fungicide is a must-have for any farmer looking to protect their crops from fungi and botrytis.

Miravis Prime Fungicide (1 Gallon and 6 oz) 134oz

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