Orondis Ultra Fungicide 1 Gallon

Orondis Ultra Fungicide 1 Gallon

Orondis Ultra Fungicide 1 Gallon
Ultra fungicide in leafy, brassica and bulb vegetables, potatoes and other selected crops provides preventive and residual control of downy mildews and other Oomycete diseases. It also features flexible application methods and has a demonstrated crop safety record. Orondis Ultra is a step change fungicide for oomycete control in vegetables and specialty crops. Based on its unique high performing technology delivering powerful and flexible control, Orondis Ultra is pivotal in the disease management programme. Systemic, translaminar movement in the plant to protect developing leaves. It provides effective long-lasting field performance. Excellent preventive fungicidal activity, controlling all pathogen life cycle stages. Efficacy and crop safety at very low rates of AI per ha. Translaminar and acropetal activity, meaning that it moves across the leaf surface as well as upwards into new growth via the plant's xylem, or water-conducting vessels. Both modes of action work in tandem to protect the plant - even while it is actively growing. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL INSTRUCTIONS.
Orondis Ultra Fungicide 1 Gallon

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