Orondis Ultra Fungicide 1 Gallon

Orondis Ultra Fungicide 1 Gallon

Orondis Ultra Fungicide 1 Gallon
Ultra fungicide in leafy, brassica and bulb vegetables, potatoes and other selected crops provides preventive and residual control of downy mildews and other Oomycete diseases. It also features flexible application methods and has a demonstrated crop safety record. In addition to providing robust foliar disease control, Orondis Ultra offers excellent application flexibility. It provides outstanding preventive and residual control and is rainfast within 30 minutes after spray deposits have dried. It also offers translaminar movement, redistributing throughout the plant to protect developing leaves in addition to existing growth. Orondis Ultra is an excellent foundational fungicide in a spray program with other modes of action. ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL INSTRUCTIONS.
Orondis Ultra Fungicide 1 Gallon

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