Usage Rate Recommendations : 12 - 40 Fl. For specific details on control of these target pest and use rates check the label.
Barley Barnyardgrass Bermudagrass Corn, volunteer Crabgrass Cupgrass Fescue Foxtail Goosegrass Guineagrass Itchgrass Johnsongrass Junglerice Lovegrass Millet Muhly Oats Orchardgrass Panicum Quackgrass Red rice Rye Ryegrass Sandbur Shattercane Signalgrass Sprangletop Stinkgrass Wheat Witchgrass. For specific details on these areas of use and use rates check the label.
Alfalfa Apricot Artichoke Asparagus Avocado Beans Beet Blueberry Brassica Vegetables Bulb Vegetables Caneberries Carrot Cherry Citrus Clover Conservation Reserve Land Corn Cotton Cranberry Corn, sweet (Poast® Protected hybrids ONLY) Cucurbit Vegetables Date Fig Flax Fruiting Vegetables (excluding tomato) Grape Horseradish Leafy Vegetables Lentil Mint Nectarine Olive Peach Peanut Peas Pistachio Pome Plum Pomegranate Potato Prune Rapeseed Soybean Strawberry Sugar Beet Sunflower Tall Fescue Tobacco Tree Nuts.