Revolver Herbicide 32oz- Foramsulfuron

Revolver Herbicide 32oz- Foramsulfuron

Revolver Herbicide 32oz- Foramsulfuron

Revolver Herbicide is a post-emergent weed control product designed to manage and eliminate a variety of grassy and broadleaf weeds. It is particularly effective against tough-to-control perennial grasses. Here's a detailed guide on how to use Revolver Herbicide, including application instructions, targeted weeds, dosage, and safety measures. What Revolver Herbicide Is: Revolver Herbicide is a selective post-emergent herbicide that targets and controls a range of grassy and broadleaf weeds. It is formulated for use on turfgrass in locations such as golf courses, residential lawns, commercial properties, and sports fields.

The active ingredient in Revolver Herbicide is foramsulfuron, which inhibits the growth of weeds by targeting their photosynthesis process. Preparation: Before using Revolver Herbicide, identify the weeds you wish to control and ensure they are listed on the product label. Wear protective clothing, including gloves and eye protection. Mixing: Follow the label instructions for mixing rates. Typically, you will mix Revolver with water in a sprayer.

The exact amount will depend on the target weed species and the size of the area being treated. Application: Apply Revolver Herbicide to actively growing weeds. Use a sprayer to evenly distribute the herbicide over the affected area. Avoid mowing the lawn 2 days before or after application to maximize the product's effectiveness. Golf Courses: Revolver is commonly used on golf course fairways, roughs, and tee boxes. Residential Lawns: It can be applied to residential turfgrass but ensure it is compatible with the grass species in your lawn. Commercial Properties: Ideal for use on commercial property lawns and grassy areas. Sports Fields: Can be used to maintain weed-free playing surfaces on sports fields. Weeds Labeled for Control: Revolver Herbicide is effective against a variety of weeds, including but not limited to. Tall Fescue (for removal in warm-season turf). How Much to Apply: The application rate of Revolver Herbicide can vary depending on the target weed and the turfgrass species. For most weeds, use 17.4 to 34.8 mL of Revolver per 1,000 sq ft. For suppression of Dallisgrass, use 34.8 mL per 1,000 sq ft. Always check the product label for specific rates and instructions.

Environmental Care: Do not apply near water bodies or drainage areas to prevent contamination. Be mindful of the wind direction to avoid drift to non-target areas. Storage and Disposal: Store Revolver Herbicide in its original container, out of reach of children and pets. Dispose of any unused product or container in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations.

First Aid: In case of exposure, follow the first aid instructions on the product label. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting and contact poison control immediately. Conclusion: Revolver Herbicide is a powerful tool for controlling a variety of weeds in turfgrass. When used correctly, it can help maintain a healthy, weed-free lawn or grassy area.

Always read and follow the label instructions carefully, take appropriate safety measures, and apply the herbicide at the correct rates for effective weed control.

Revolver Herbicide 32oz- Foramsulfuron

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