Roundup Custom for Aquatic & Terrestrial Use 2.5 Gallons. A broad-spectrum postemergence herbicide for aquatic and industrial, turf, ornamental, forestry, roadside, utility rights-of-way, select crop, and other listed terrestrial weed control. This product is a postemergence, systemic herbicide that, when mixed in the spray tank with a surfactant that is approved for aquatic use, may be used for both aquatic and terrestrial weed control. This product provides broad-spectrum control of many annual and perennial weeds, woody brush, trees and vines.
This product does not control submerged weeds or provide residual weed control in soil. Usage Rate Recommendations : 0.7 - 3.75 Quarts per acre. For specific details on control of these target pest and use rates check the label. Alfalfa Alligatorweed Anise Anoda, spurred Bahiagrass Balsam apple Barley Barley, little Barnyardgrass Bassia, fivehook Beachgrass, European Bentgrass Bermudagrass Bermudagrass, water Bittercress Bittersweet, Oriental Blindweed, Field Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, annual Bluegrass, bulbous Blueweed, Texas Brome, Japanese Brome, downy Bromegrass, Smooth Broomsedge Bursage, wooly-leaf Buttercup Canarygrass, reed Castor bean Cattail Ceanothus Chamise Cheatgrass Cheeseweed (Malva parviflora) Cherry; bitter, black, pin Chervil Chickweed Clover, red, white Cocklebur Cogongrass Copperleaf, Virginia Copperleaf, hophornbeam Cordgrass Coreopsis, plains/tickseed Corn Cottonwood, eastern Coyote brush Crabgrass Cupgrass, woolly Cutgrass, giant Cypress; swamp, bald Dallisgrass Dandelion Deerweed Dewberry Dock, curly Dogbane, hemp Dogwood Dwarf dandelion Eclipta Elderberry Elm Eucalyptus, blue gum False dandelion False flax, small-seed Fescue Fescue, Tall Fiddleneck Filaree Fleabane, annual Fleabane, hairy (Conyza bonariensis) Fleabane, rough Foxtail Foxtail, Carolina Gallberry Geranium, Carolina Goatgrass, jointed Goosegrass Gorse Groundsel, common Guinea grass Hackberry, western Hasardia Hawthorn Hazel Hemlock, poison Henbit Hickory Hogweed, giant Honeysuckle Hornbeam, American Horsenettle Horseradish Horsetail, field Horseweed/Marestail (Conyza canadensis) Huckleberry Iceplant Iris, yellow flag Itchgrass Ivy, poison Ivy: cape, German Jerusalem artichoke Johnsongrass Johnsongrass, seedling Junglerice Kikuyu grass Knapweed Knotweed Knotweed; Bohemian, giant, Japanese Kochia Kudzu Lambsquarters Lantana Lespedeza Lettuce, prickly Locust, black Loosestrife, purple Lotus, American Madrone resprouts Magnolia, sweetbay Maidencane Mannagrass, eastern Manzanita Maple, red Maple, sugar Maple, vine Mayweed Medusahead Milkweed, common Monkey flower Morning glory (Ipomoea spp) Muhly, wirestem Mullein, common Mustard, blue Mustard, tansy Mustard, tumble Mustard, wild Napiergrass Nightshade, black Nightshade, silverleaf Nutsedge; purple, yellow Oak, poison Oak, post Oak, red Oak, scrub Oak, southern red Oak; black, white Oak; northern pin Oats Orange, Osage Orchardgrass Pampas grass Panicum, Texas Panicum, browntop Panicum, fall Para grass Pennycress, field Peppertree, Brazilian (Florida holly) Pepperweed, Virginia Pepperweed, perennial Persimmon Phragmites Pigweed Pine Poplar, yellow Prunus Puncturevine Purslane, common Pusley, Florida Quackgrass Ragweed, common Ragweed, giant Raspberry Redbud, eastern Redcedar, eastern Redvine Reed; common, giant Rice, red Rocket, London Rocket, yellow Rose, multiflora Russian olive Rye Ryegrass Ryegrass, perennial Sage, black Sage, white Sagebrush, California Salmonberry Saltbush Saltcedar Salvinia, giant Sandbur, field Sassafras Sea Myrtle Sesbania, hemp Shattercane Shepherd's-purse Sicklepod Signalgrass, broadleaf Smartweed, Pennsylvania Smartweed, ladysthumb Smartweed, swamp Sorghum, grain (milo) Sourwood Sowthistle, annual Spanish needles Spatterdock Speedwell, corn Speedwell, purslane Sprangletop Spurge, annual Spurge, leafy Spurge, prostrate Spurge, spotted Spurry, umbrella Starthistle, yellow Starthistle, yellow Stinkgrass Sumac; laurel, poison, smooth, sugarbush, winged Sunflower Sweet potato, wild Sweetgum Swordfern Tallowtree, Chinese Tan oak re-sprouts Teaweed / Prickly sida Thimbleberry Thistle, Canada Thistle, Russian Thistle, artichoke Timothy Tobacco, tree Torpedograss Toyon Trumpetcreeper Trumpetcreeper Tules, common Vaseygrass Velvetgrass Velvetleaf Vine maple Virginia creeper Waterhyacinth Waterlettuce Waterprimrose Waxmyrtle, southern Wheat Wheatgrass, western Wild oats Willow Witchgrass Yerba Santa, California.
For specific details on these areas of use and use rates check the label. Native and Wildlife Habitat Management.
Tree, Vine and Shrub Crops. Sod and turfgrass seed farms. This item is in the category "Home & Garden\Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living\Weed & Pest Control\Weed Control\Herbicides & Fungicides".warehouse" and is located in this country: US. This item can be shipped to United States.