Roundup QuikPro 6.8 Pounds
Roundup QuikPro 6.8 Pounds. Roundup QuikPro Dry provides postemergence control of a broad-spectrum of weeds in industrial turf and ornamental settings. Active Ingredients : Glyphosate (form of ammonium salt 73.3%) Diquat dibromide 2.9%. Usage Rate Recommendations : Turf : 5 - 16 Ounces per acre Weeds : 2.25 - 12.25 Pounds per acre. For specific details on control of these target pest and use rates check the label. Alder Alfalfa Alligatorweed Anise (fennel) Anoda, spurred Ash Aspen, quaking Bahiasgrass Barley Barnyardgrass Bassia, fivehook Beachgrass, European Bearclover Beech Bentgrass Bermudagrass Birch Bittercress Black nightshade Blackberry Blackgum Blindweed, Field Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, annual Bluegrass, bulbous Blueweed, Texas Bracken Brackenfern Brome, downy Brome, japanese Bromegrass, smooth Broom; Fench, Scotch Browntop panicum Buckwheat, California Bursade, wooly-leaf Buttercup Canarygrass, reed Carolina foxtail Carolina geranium Cascara Castor bean Castor bean Catsclaw Cattail Ceanothus Chamise Cheatgrass Cheeseweed Cherry; bitter, black, pin Chervil Chickweed Clover: red, white Cocklebur Cogongrass Copperleaf, hophornbeam Corn Corn speedwell Cottonwood, eatern Coyote brush Crabgrass Cypress, swamp, bald Dallisgrass Dandelion Deerweed Dock, curly Dogbane, hemp Dogwood Dwarfdandelion Eastern mannagrass Eclipta Elderberry Elm Eucalyptus Fall panicum Falsedandelion Falseflax, smalleed Fescue Fiddleneck Field pennycress Filaree Fleabane, annual Fleabane, hairy Fleabane, rough Florida pusley Foxtail Gallberry German ivy Goatgrass, jointed Goosegrass Gorse Grain sorghum Groundsel, common Guineagrass Hackberry, western Hasardia Hawthorn Hazel Hemp sesbania Henbit Hickory Honeysuckle Hornbeam, American Horsenettle Horseradish Horseweed / Maresstail Huckleberry Iceplant Itchgrass Jerusalem artichoke Johnsongrass Johnsongrass, seedling Junglerice Kikuyugrass Knapweed Knotweed Kochia Kudzu Lambsquarters Lantana Lespedeze Little barley Locust, black London rocket Madrone resporuts Magnolia, sweetbay Manzanita Maple, red Maple, sugar Mayweed Medusahead Milkweed, common Monkey flower Morninglory Muhly, wirestem Mullein, common Mustard, blue Mustard, tansy Mustard, tumble Mustard, wild Napiergrass Nightshade, silverleaf Nutsedge; purple, yellow Oak; black, white, post, northern, pin, Scrub, Southern red, Oats Orange, Osage Orchardgrass Pampasgrass Paragrass Peppertree, Brazilian Pepperweed, perennial Persimmon Phragmites Pigweed Pine Plains / tickseed coreopsis Poison hemlock Poison ivy Poison oak Poplar, yellow Prickly lettuce Purslane, common Quackgrass Ragweed, common Ragweed, giant Red rice Redbud, eastern Rededar, eastern Redvine Reed, giant Rose, multiflora Russian oliva Russian thistle Rye Ryegrass Ryegrass, perennial Sage brush, California Sage, black Sage, white Salmonberry Salt cedar Sandbur, field Sassafras Shattercane Shepherd's-purse Sicklepod Signalgrass, broadleaf Smartweed, ladysthumb Smartweed, pennsylvania Smartweed, swamp Sourwood Sowthistle, annual Spanishneedles Speedwell, purslane Sprangletop Spurge, annual Spurge, leafy Spurge, prostrate Spurge, spotted Spurry, umbrella Starthistle, yellow Stinkgrass Sumac; laurel, poison, smooth, sugarbrush, winged Sunflower Sweet potato, wild Sweetgum Swordfern Tall fescue Tallowtree, chinese Tan oak resprouts Teaweed / prickly sida Texas panicum Thimbleberry Thistle, Canada Thistle, artichoke Timothy Tobacco, tree Torpedograss Toyon Trumpetcrepper Vaseygrass Velvetgrass Velvetleaf Virginia copperleaf Virginia pepperweed Wheat Wheatgrass, western Wild oats Witchgrass Woolly cupgrass Yellow rocket. For specific details on these areas of use and use rates check the label. Airports Apartment Complexes Christmas Trees Complexes Ditch Banks Dry Canals Dry Ditches Fencerows General Noncrop Areas Golf Courses Industrial Sites Industrial Sites Lumber Yards Manufacturing Sites Office Ornamental Trees Parking Areas Parks Petroleum Tank Farms Plant Nurseries Pumping Installations Railroads Recreational Areas Residential Areas Roadsides Schools Sod or turf seed farms Storage areas Substations Turf Warehouse Areas.