Specticle G Herbicide 50lb- Pre-emergent

Specticle G Herbicide 50lb- Pre-emergent

Specticle G Herbicide 50lb- Pre-emergent

Specticle is a pre-emergent herbicide that offers a robust solution for weed control. It is designed to manage a broad spectrum of grassy and broadleaf weeds, providing long-lasting residual control. This guide will cover the essential aspects of Specticle FLO, including its application, targeted weeds, usage rates, and safety measures. Specticle is a pre-emergent herbicide containing the active ingredient indaziflam.

It belongs to Group 29 herbicides, which function as cellulose biosynthesis inhibitors (CB Inhibitors). By disrupting the formation of plant cell walls, Specticle effectively prevents the growth of emerging seedlings. How to Use Specticle To achieve optimal results with Specticle, it is crucial to apply it correctly.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use Specticle. Preparation : Before applying Specticle, ensure that the application equipment is clean and properly calibrated. Mixing : Mix Specticle with water in a tank sprayer. The product should be well-agitated to ensure an even distribution.

Application : Apply the mixture evenly across the target area. Use a fan spray nozzle to get uniform coverage. Activation : For the herbicide to take effect, it requires activation through rainfall or irrigation before weed germination. Where to Apply Specticle Specticle is versatile and can be used in various non-residential settings, including.

Warm-season turfgrasses such as Bermudagrass, Zoysiagrass, Centipedegrass, St. Weeds Labeled for Control with Specticle FLO Specticle is effective against more than 60 broadleaf weeds and several grassy weeds, including but not limited to.

How Much to Apply The application rate of Specticle varies depending on the target area and the severity of the weed problem. General Use : Apply 3-10 fl oz per acre of Specticle for weed control in turf. Maximum Rate : The highest single application rate should not exceed 10 fl oz per acre. Annual Limit : Do not apply more than 18.5 fl oz per acre within a 12-month period.

Coverage : At the high rate of 10 oz per acre, it equates to approximately 0.23 oz per 1,000 square feet. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) : Wear appropriate PPE, including gloves, long-sleeved clothing, and eye protection.

Environmental Care : Do not apply near water bodies to prevent contamination. Storage : Store the product in a cool, dry place, away from children and pets.

Disposal : Dispose of the container according to local regulations. Do not apply to newly established turf (defined as established at least 16 months after seeding or sprigging).

Avoid application to golf course greens, tees, or collars. Do not verticut within 1 month before or after applying Specticle. Conclusion Specticle is a powerful pre-emergent herbicide that offers extensive weed control with fewer applications. By following the guidelines provided in this guide, users can effectively manage a wide range of weeds while minimizing the impact on the environment and adhering to safety standards. Always refer to the product label for specific instructions and restrictions before use.

Specticle G Herbicide 50lb- Pre-emergent

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