Carefully read the product label for detailed instructions on mixing and application rates. This herbicide is designed for use in non-crop areas such as rangeland, permanent grass pastures, fencerows, and clearings for wildlife habitat. It can also be used in industrial sites and rights-of-way locations. Tebuthiuron 20P is effective against a variety of woody plant species, brush, and weeds, including creosotebrush, sagebrush, kudzu, boxwood, and other tough-to-control species.
For areas with less than 20 inches of average annual rainfall, apply at a rate of 3/8 oz. (equivalent to 10 pounds per acre). In areas with more than 20 inches of average annual rainfall, apply at a rate of ¾ oz.
The exact amount may vary based on the specific vegetation you are targeting, so consult the label for precise rates. Tebuthiuron 20P will kill trees and shrubs, so avoid application near desirable vegetation. Keep people and pets out of the treated area until the product has been fully absorbed and the area is dry. Remember, the effectiveness of Tebuthiuron 20P Herbicide depends on proper application and adherence to the label instructions. Always prioritize safety and environmental considerations when using herbicides.