Telar XP Herbicide-8 oz bottle

Telar XP Herbicide-8 oz bottle

Telar XP Herbicide-8 oz bottle
TELAR XP is recommended for the control of annual, biennial, and perennial weeds on private, public and military lands, on rights-of-way, industrial sites, non-crop areas, fencerows, ditch banks of dry drainage ditches, pasture, rangelands and Conversation Reserve Program lands, including grazed areas on these sites. Do not use on irrigation ditches. DuPont Telar XP herbicide has long been valued for its ability to control noxious perennials and troublesome annual weeds. It delivers foliar control and lasting residual to dramatically reduce problem weed populations and improve forage quality in pastures and rangelands. Make Telar XP your herbicide of choice.

Apply it at rates up to 1.33 ounces per acre without grazing restrictions. 2 Oz is enough to treat 2 acres for puncturevine and up to 8 acres for other listed weeds DyneAmic. Should be added to the spray for optimum results.

Telar XP Herbicide-8 oz bottle

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