Tribune Diquat Aquatic Lake/Pond Herbicide 2.5 Gallons

Tribune Diquat Aquatic Lake/Pond Herbicide 2.5 Gallons

Tribune Diquat Aquatic Lake/Pond Herbicide 2.5 Gallons

Tribune contains 37.3% Diquat and is the generic form of the nationally known brand Reward herbicide. It is fast acting and covers a broad spectrum of submersed pond and lake weeds. Especially effective on elodea, Eurasian watermilfoil, coontail and duckweed.

Tribune is highly recommended for pond and lake shorelines. It is absorbed by target plants in just minutes with no toxicity to fish or wildlife. Tribune is a very fast acting contact killer that is approved for use in and around the water! It does not stay active for very long, so it needs to be sprayed directly onto the vegetation.

Tribune mixed with Cutrine Plus and a surfactant. Will kill pretty much any vegetation and algae that it is sprayed directly on. That is a great combination for treating areas with many different types of vegetation and algae. Approved for use in and around the water.

Highly recommended for pond and lake shorelines. Always read label before use.

Tribune Diquat Aquatic Lake/Pond Herbicide 2.5 Gallons

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