TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide 128oz

TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide 128oz

TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide 128oz
TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide is a powerful and selective herbicide designed to combat a wide range of broadleaf weeds in turfgrass. Its formulation includes active ingredients such as Sulfentrazone and Triclopyr, which work together to provide effective control over weeds, including the suppression of yellow nutsedge. TZone SE is known for its rapid action, often showing visible signs of weed injury within hours of application and leading to plant death in a matter of days. How to Use TZone SE Herbicide. Mixing Instructions: TZone SE is a soluble concentrate that should be mixed with water according to the label instructions.

It's crucial to follow the label for the exact mixing ratio, as this can vary depending on the target weed and turfgrass species. Application Method: Apply TZone SE using a sprayer that can be either a backpack sprayer for spot treatments or a larger tank sprayer for broader applications. Ensure even coverage over the target area. Timing: The best results are typically achieved when TZone SE is applied during the active growth period of the weeds. For some weeds like wild violets, fall applications are recommended.

Where to Apply TZone SE Herbicide. Turfgrass: TZone SE is safe for use on established cool and warm-season turfgrass species. It can be applied to residential lawns, ornamental turf sites, parks, and cemeteries. Avoidance: Do not apply to any crops, gardens, or water bodies, as it is not intended for these areas and could cause damage or contamination. Weeds Labeled for Control with TZone SE Herbicide.

Broadleaf Weeds: TZone SE controls a variety of broadleaf weeds, including but not limited to wild violet, ground ivy, dandelion, clover, plantain, and spurge. Suppression of Yellow Nutsedge: While TZone SE is not a complete solution for yellow nutsedge, it can suppress this challenging weed. Application Rates: The label provides specific rates depending on the weed species and the turfgrass tolerance. It is essential to adhere to the label's recommended rates to avoid damage to the turfgrass and maximize weed control efficacy. Coverage: Ensure that the application rate is consistent with the coverage area to avoid over or under-application.

Environmental Safety: Be mindful of the surroundings and avoid application on windy days to prevent drift to non-target areas. Storage and Disposal: Store TZone SE in its original container, out of reach of children and pets, and dispose of any unused product according to local regulations. Additional Tips for Using TZone SE Herbicide.

Weed Identification: Properly identify the weeds you are targeting to ensure that TZone SE is an appropriate treatment. Follow-Up Applications: Some tough weeds may require a second application for complete control. Follow the label for reapplication intervals. Lawn Care Practices: Combine the use of TZone SE with proper fertilization, mowing, and watering practices to maintain a healthy and dense turf, which naturally resists weed infestations.

Weather Conditions: Apply TZone SE when weather conditions are favorable, typically when there is no rain forecasted for 24 hours post-application to ensure the herbicide is not washed away. By following these guidelines and adhering to the label instructions, TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide can be a valuable tool in maintaining a weed-free and healthy lawn. Always remember that the key to successful weed management is the correct identification of weeds, proper application timing, and consistent lawn care practices.

TZone SE Broadleaf Herbicide 128oz

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