Although Vivando works best when applied preventively before powdery mildew infections occur, it also provides targeted protection by interfering with lesion growth and sporulation. Vivando works via surface migration redistribution - that is, it spreads via vapor and then redeposits onto the plant to improve coverage and protection inside the grape clusters. It delivers fast cuticle uptake and binding for exceptional rainfastness.
Vivando offers flexible use rates and application timing intervals and is compatible as a tank-mix or with adjuvants. In fact, the addition of nonphytotoxic adjuvants has been shown to improve the performance of Vivando. When applied preventively and in spray programs with other modes of action such as Pristine® fungicide, Vivando safeguards the yield and quality potential for your grape crops. So say hello to Vivando - and "adios" to powdery mildew. Always read and follow label directions.