Weedmaster Herbicide 2.5 Gallons (Dicamba and 2,4-D), compare to Rangestar
Weedmaster Herbicide (2.5 Gallons) OR Rangestar (2.5 Gallons). Weedmaster Herbicide can be used on conservation reserve program land, fallow systems (between crop applications), general farmstead, sorghum, grass (hay or silage), pastures, rangeland, sugarcane, wheat, corn (pre-plant and pre-emergence), soybeans (pre-plant) and cotton (pre-plant). Also for control of brush and broadleaf weeds on rights-of-way, forest brush, industrial sites, non-irrigation ditchbanks, fence rows, and other labeled non-crop areas. Achieve outstanding control of brush and broadleaf weeds in a concentrated formula.
Controls tough weeds such as horsenettle, thistles and blackberry. Pre-emergence control with residual activity. Approximate use rate: 0.5 - 4 pints per acre.
For spot spraying: 1 - 2 oz per gallon of water. See label for specific crop use rates. If your state is not listed, there are no restrictions in your state. Restricted - No sales to State.